Acromioclavicular Joint
Your Acromioclavicular joint (AC Joint) is the bony ‘bump’ you can feel at the top of your shoulder. This AC joint is where your collar bone (clavicle) and the top of your shoulder blade (scapula) meet.
Arthroscopy or arthroscopic surgery is a procedure in which a small endoscope is inserted into the joint through a small incision in your skin.
Carpal Tunnel Release
Carpal tunnel release surgery involves cutting the ligament that creates the carpal tunnel. By cutting this ligament Mr Durrant releases the pressure on your median nerve which runs from the inside forearm through the wrist and into the palm of the hand.
Dislocation occurs when bones in a joint e.g. shoulder become displaced or misaligned. Dislocations are often caused by a sudden forceful impact to the joint.
DRUJ or Distal Radio-Ulna Joint
Your Distal Radio-Ulna Joint is situated in your wrist. The two bones in your forearm, the radius and the ulna, both come together and meet at the wrist joint.
Dupuytren’s Disease
Dupuytren’s Disease is a thickening of the fibrous tissue underneath the skin of your palm and fingers. Although painless, the thickening and tightening of this tissue can cause your fingers to curl.
Endoscopic Surgery
Endoscopic surgery uses scopes going through small incisions in order to diagnose and treat injuries and disease. Small tools can be attached to the endoscope allowing minimally invasive surgery with faster recovery time.